The Japanese Home
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influenced by Japanese culture.
How to Organize Bathroom Cabinets

July 10. 2024
Hi! I’m Sayaka Minami, a Japanese minimalist, and a professional organizer.
Do you have the following problems concerning your bathroom cabinets?
✔︎ No storage space due to the drainpipe.
✔︎ Organizers don’t work well and look like a mess.
✔︎ I’m a renter, I should live with what I’ve got.
This issue may provide a solution for those having problems with organizing bathroom cabinets.
Use a Stackable Storage Drawer
With a drain pipe in the way, finding a perfect basket or organizer to fit perfectly into your cabinets can be a challenge.
If you are experiencing that, try using a stackable storage drawer.
Find one that will fit on each side of the drainpipe.
In our home, we use Muji Polypropylene Storage Cases.
They are available in several combinations of height, width, and depth, and are stackable.

Right-handed? Left-handed?
Consider the people who use your bathroom when choosing the positioning of the drawers
Once you’ve put stackable storage drawers in your cabinets, the next important point is the placement of the items stored inside.
1. Put frequently used items on the side of the door that is easy to access
First, check which side of the door is easier to open.
Depending on where the cabinet is located in the room, it may be easier to open the right-side door, or you may be left-handed, and the left side might be easier.
Try storing frequently used items on the side of the door that is easier to open.

2. Organize drawers by person or category
When several people share the same space, it is easy for the space to become disorganized.
Stress can be reduced by making a dedicated draw for each person.
It is a good idea to label on each drawer with a name.

3. Easier access for children
Children are short, so give them lower drawers that are easy to reach.
Adults are taller, so assign them the higher drawers.
It is important to provide easy access to people who are not good at putting things away.

Use the spaces in-between as well
In Japan, some people call it a “Cinderella fit” when something fits perfectly like Cinderella’s glass slipper.
If you are lucky, you may find a “Cinderella-fit” storage drawer that fits perfectly in your cabinet.
But in reality, there will often be small spaces in-between.
Use those spaces to store things that don’t fit in the drawers.

The space between the drain pipe and the storage drawer can be used to store things that cannot fit in drawers, such as detergent or cleaning supplies.
It is also easier to check what supplies you have, if it is not in a drawer.
It is hard to organize bathroom cabinets, which are often hard to reach and odd shape because of a drainpipe.
I hope this issue helps you with your bathroom cabinet problems.
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Minimalist & Professional Organizer
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